In CO2PENHAGEN’s pressroom, journalists can find information about the festival, contact information and photos and pictures of the festival free of charge.
CO2PENHAGEN is a music and art festival, which receives all its energy from sustainable sources. At CO2PENHAGEN, we will open the door to a fantastic technological universe and demonstrate how the newest climate technologies can be used in an experience-rich environment.
One of the festival’s collaborative partners is the UN’s Environmental Programme.
The idea
Around two years ago, the festival was started up by an architect and a journalist who believe that the future’s climate solutions are about taking an optimistic approach, breaking old habits, and finding new innovative solutions.
The idea behind the festival is also to get artists, engineers, designers, architects, journalists, and chefs to work together in new ways and to inspire each other. We believe that working across disciplines in this manner is what generates new technological solutions and it helps to break old habits. It also creates an opportunity to find new solutions by using already existing climate technology and integrating it with design, architecture, festivals, restaurants, and so on.
Awards and Partners
CO2PENHAGEN has become a part of the UN’s Environmental Programme and it has been given an award for being among the first 100 members of the UN’s Climate Neutral Network, CN-Net. CN-Net is a global network, which has been established to help companies, organisations, local authorities, and others, who are interested in reducing their green house gas emissions.
The Climate Cup was created to acknowledge Danish climate initiatives and inspire the rest of us to get up and do something. The award ceremony in Copenhagen on November 25th was a first, and CO2PENHAGEN received the coveted special prize for best innovation. The judges hailed CO2PENHAGEN for its innovative climate perspective and saluted the groundbreaking combination of art and technical solutions.
Further information
Contact us:
Katrine Vejby, Journalist: +45 2850 6764
Nina Jensen, Architect: +45 2267 8831